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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update:

At the girl & the fig, LLC, our commitment to the health and safety of our figFamily and guests is of utmost importance.


Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Latest Update on our note about the Coronavirus.


We have reopened for outdoor dining. We will be following all recommended guidelines including guest seating capacity. The patio/parklet will be available for guest seating along with outdoor heaters. We recommend that you bundle up with extra layers to be most comfortable in these final winter months. 


Monday, June 8, 2020

the girl & the fig guest protocols as we reopen.


We are getting close to reopening the girl & the fig. We have taken a slow and cautious approach to business and how we are all affected by COVID19.  For the same reason we closed the doors early is the same reason we are taking it slow to reopen. It is all about safety, the protection of our staff and the protection of our guests. As we have observed and are happy for the states that have opened before us and our neighbors that are opening around us, we have the ability to watch what is working and what is not.


Friday, April 17, 2020

Latest Update on our note about the Coronavirus.


As the curve in Sonoma County flattens and more safety regulations have been put in place by both the County and the Health Department, we are going to start our fig to go program once again. We realize that these Shelter in Place regulations could be going on for many more weeks. With the uncertainty of it all, we need to get the ovens lit once again.

To make this happen, we will start offering fig to go from the fig cafe in Glen Ellen starting this Friday 4/17.


Monday, April 1, 2020

Latest Update on our note about the Coronavirus.

As we continue to Shelter in Place, our energy has been directed to preparing hundreds of meals under Sonoma Family Meals. Per our request, the food that we are preparing will stay in Sonoma Valley to feed folks at La Luz, Vintage House, and the City of Sonoma’s three locations that they are coordinating. The funds for these meals come from Sonoma County, friends, and neighboring businesses including Three Sticks Winery.


Sonoma Family Meals started up during the wildfires of 2017 and they continue to do great work by raising money, putting restaurants to work, and feeding the County’s most vulnerable and hungry.


During this time we are so grateful to have a mission and for more of our staff to come together to do what we do best.


Sunday, March 29, 2020

Latest Update on our note about the Coronavirus.

So, after five days, we are following our instincts and we are once again halting our operations.

We will reopen our businesses when the time is right. 

The uncertainty of how this pandemic may be moving through our community is our reason to stop. We are working in an environment with an invisible enemy that seems to be getting closer to home.  As the numbers rise in Sonoma County, we will continue to shelter in place.  


Many of you, our loyal and supportive guests have been asking how you can help. We have set up this to contribute to our 

FigFamily Emergency Fund that we started in 2017 during the wildfires.  We are looking to provide our FigFamily with some financial assistance and meals during this time. 100% of the donations made here will go to FigFamily members that are no longer able to work and we ask that you consider making a donation to contribute. Every dollar counts, no donation is too small - or simply sharing this post - could have a huge impact on the livelihood of our FigFamily. 

We are grateful for your consideration and generosity and look forward to opening our doors and being able to serve you again.


Monday, March 23, 2020

Update on our note about the Coronavirus.


As we continue to watch the world with the COVID-19 struggle, we see that this is going to be a much larger and longer pandemic than we could ever have imagined.  We know this is affecting everyone somehow or another. Safety continues to be our main priority. This week are going to attempt to offer pick-up orders curbside at our pop-up space called Suite D.  The website, will have our menu offerings and instructions on how to order.  As we move forward with this plan, we will continue to review our practices and if at any time we believe we are putting our staff or guests at risk we will shut it down.


Sunday, March 15, 2020

Update on our note about the Coronavirus.


In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the girl & the fig, LLC has made the decision to temporarily close our businesses effective Monday, March 16th.


We want to do what we can do to curb the spread of germs and the virus, and we believe that this is in the best interest of public health.  This was an extremely difficult decision to make as our staff needs the work and our guests have been coming to show us their support with their patronage.  However, we are taking a cue from the many large cancellations that are happening in conferences, tech, sports, entertainment, school districts, and more. We know this will be a financial challenge for all of us, but we know it is the right decision on this day. 


We care deeply for our fig family and loyal guests and want to see them when we reopen. As you can imagine, we want to reopen as soon as possible.  As things continue to pivot, we will keep you posted with updates on our websites and our social pages.


We hope that you and your families stay safe and healthy!


the girl & the fig, LLC includes: 


the girl & the fig

the fig cafe & winebar

the girl & the fig CATERS!

the fig rig

fig cakes & sweets

Suite D


Thursday, March 12, 2020

A Note to our Guests about the Coronavirus


First of all, we are committed to follow and maintain the best protocols from the CDC and our local departments regarding public health, keeping our restaurants sanitized and clean, overseeing our team members to make sure they go above and beyond in understanding how to be safe by managing their personal hygiene, and to make sure our guests concerns are taken care of.


We are reviewing how to keep our business sustainable through this time. We will have to make some difficult decisions, but these will be necessary for the long term and will give us the opportunity to bounce back quickly when things come back to 'normal'. 


We know that this virus is everyone's problem and not just ours. We are all affected, and not only do we care deeply about our figfamily and our loyal guests, our hearts are breaking for our entire community, our neighborhood businesses, and frankly the whole world. 


We hope you will continue to visit us.  We know that our good food and a friendly face will put you in a good mood. 

We appreciate you, and we are committed to making our businesses as safe and healthy as possible through these challenging times.


Be well.  Take care of yourselves and each other. Stay safe.  



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