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We are hoping this post finds you and your families safe and secure. We are in the midst of another fire season here in Northern California. You may have seen some of the intense and horrifying photographs and videos on the news. Our hearts are breaking for our friends and neighbors that are being affected by the fires.

The City of Sonoma and Sonoma Valley are not on fire. Sonoma County is a very large territory and the fires are still about an hour away from downtown Sonoma. For the most part, all of the businesses on the Sonoma Plaza are open. Please visit us and our neighbor businesses; our teams and businesses depend on all of you!

We are eternally grateful to all of the first responders, firefighters, and volunteers who are feeding and helping evacuees, and everyone else who is trying to make a bad situation better. The gratitude that continues in our community seems to bond us the most when we are in disaster mode. If you want to help: Donate to these verified non-profits: Sonoma Family Meal Community Foundation Sonoma County World Central Kitchen Volunteer with these Organizations: Sonoma Family Meal World Central Kitchen - This will be a marathon of giving - not a sprint - there will be many needs for a long time! Thank you all and stay safe.


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