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Sonoma FIG Foundation

The Sonoma FIG Foundation Fund is a donor advised fund, established in December, 2016 by Sondra Bernstein, proprietor of the girl & the fig restaurant in Sonoma, California. This fund is managed by the Community Foundation Sonoma County.

​"It has been completely rewarding to assist and donate to folks that may need a leg up as they work towards their passion and enthusiasm for their project within the food, wine and hospitality industry.
I am so grateful for the helping hands that I received almost 23 years ago and I am determined to pay it forward.
Since 2016 the Sonoma FIG Foundation has given over ten grants to different people and organizations including farming, education, food advocacy and more." Sondra Bernstein

Guests may not realize that every time they sip on a FIG KISS cocktail or eat the chocolate dipped FIG KISSES they are contributing to our non-profit organization. Both of these items are about LOVE and makes perfect sense that they are so popular with out guests. Just one sweet way you can show the love to the future of culinary innovation!   These donations are matched by Sondra as well.

At a time that there are so many organizations and people that need assistance it is hard to ask for more, but if you are so inclined to read more about the Sonoma FIG Foundation and contribute - CLICK HERE.

At this time, the Fund is offering grants to nonprofit organizations which assist in funding for start-up entrepreneurs in food, farming, food media, wine and spirits, restaurants, artisan food production, or new projects for existing businesses.


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