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Happy Earth Day!

Every year on April 22nd, we take a day to celebrate this beautiful planet that we live on, that is our Earth.

The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970 by two thousand colleges and universities, ten thousand grade schools, and hundreds of other communities across the United States. The original Earth Day served as an opportunity for 20 million Americans to carry out peaceful demonstrations advocating for environmental reform, and for teach-ins to educate about environmental concerns and protection.

Fun fact: Julian Koenig, a member of the first Earth Day organizing committee and an advertising executive, claims that the name “Earth Day” came to him not only because it was the obvious choice, but because the day selected (April 22nd) happened to be his birthday, and “Earth Day” rhymes with “birthday.” 😄

Today, Earth Day is revered as the largest secular day of observance in the world, with more than a billion people celebrating every year.

As a business in today’s world, the girl & the fig understands the importance of being environmentally conscious and responsible. We take this to heart, and take steps to promote this through our practices

In order to lower our carbon footprint, we are committed to buying organic and local when we can. We support local farmers, who utilize low emission, clean, organic methods, and provide healthy grazing lands, as well as local foragers, fishermen and healthy fisheries.

Our food is prepared fresh daily, limiting plastic packaging waste, and when we can, food waste is reused as compost and animal feed. Finally, we use paper straws and compostable, disposable products for our takeout packaging.

At the girl & the fig CATERS!, we use an eco-friendly line of products for our casual catering packaging. Recycling is a priority, and offsite, used water is kept separate from other used liquids so that it may be used to water plants later, rather than just dumped down the drain.

Happy Earth Day, everyone! Let’s all remember to help each other take care of this beautiful planet that we call home.


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