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Pi & Pie: International Pi Day at Suite D

Coming up this Thursday, is March 14th. Does this date ring any bells? No, it’s not trash day (that’s not true - it could be trash day, don’t quote me on that, and don’t forget to take out the trash!). How about this: this Thursday is 3/14. How about now, looking familiar? No, it’s not your mother’s birthday (again, don’t quote me, it very well could be! Be prepared for that one!). Ok, we’ll tell you: 3/14 is International Pi Day, in celebration of that wonderful mathematical constant that is 3.14!

We here at the girl & the fig are gearing up to celebrate this fantastic holiday at Suite D on Thursday, March 14th starting at 5:30PM, with none other than, pie! Is there really any other way? 😉 We are ready to honor this irrational number in the most rational way; with empanadas, mini quiches, chicken pot pie with green salad, and strawberry-rhubarb pie. Corkage at this event will be $5 per bottle (2 bottle maximum per guest), with complimentary corkage for Club Members. Reciting the infinite digits of pi is not required, but is encouraged!

Visit for more information and to purchase tickets. Trust me, you’ll want a piece of this; you’ll be infinitely happy that you joined us! 😊

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