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vendredi vocab: white anchovy

Vendredi means “Friday” in French. Each week we add something new to our culinary vocabulary by delving into a word from our menu.

This week the word is: White Anchovy

The typically Spanish and ever popular Boquerones are known in English as ‘white anchovies’ due to the color of the meat in the fillets. They are preserved and flavoured in either olive oil or vinagre or both, often with a hint of garlic. Regular anchovies are more red in color and are preserved in salt, giving a different texture and flavour – typical of the type used to flavour sauces or on pizzas.[source the tapas lunch company]

At the girl & the fig we have in the past offered white anchovy in our PLATS DU JOUR entree; white anchovies add a nice bit of salty flavor to your favorite dressings and marinades.

How would you use white anchovy?


Vendredi means “Friday” in French. Each week we add something new to our culinary vocabulary by delving into a word from our menu. We love food, we love words, and we love to learn something new. We also love Fridays.

Happy Vendredi, everyone!

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