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vendredi vocab: peperonata

Vendredi means “Friday” in French. Each week we add something new to our culinary vocabulary by delving into a word from our menu.

This week the word is: peperonata

Common in Italian cooking, this food item consists of sweet peppers sauteed in olive oil. The Italian Sweet Pepper is a common pepper to use for making this food dish, but any variety of sweet pepper can be served. Typically, the Peperonata may include ingredients such as sweet peppers, tomatoes, onion, garlic, and herbs (basil), capers, and olives. After being prepared, the Peperonata may be served hot or cold. As a hot food, it is often served like a condiment for use as a meat, pizza or pasta topping. When served cold, it can be used as a stuffing for omelets or simply served as an antipasto. [source]

Peperonata adds a wonderful sweet flavor to your favorite dishes and pairs beautifully with meat, pasta or polenta. This fall at the girl & the fig, we featured peperonata in our amazing polenta cake with peperonata, broccolini, fried garlic & chili oil.

How would you use peperonata?


Vendredi means “Friday” in French. Each week we add something new to our culinary vocabulary by delving into a word from our menu. We love food, we love words, and we love to learn something new. We also love Fridays.

Happy Vendredi, everyone!

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