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Pear & Hazelnut Tart

There have been some beautiful pears in the market lately - this is a tart for all of our pear loving friends.

Pear & Hazelnut Tart Serves 6

We tend to use Bosc Pears for this recipe, but you can use any thick-skinned pear available. This is a recipe with a lot of little steps. Each component can be made in advance, and although it’s not a difficult recipe it will take a bit of time to complete. We recommend that you make the dough the day before and let the dough firm up in the refrigerator overnight.

For the tart shell: 9 tablespoons cold, unsalted butter, cut into ½-inch pieces 1½ cups all-purpose flour ¼ teaspoon salt 2½ tablespoons sugar ⅛ teaspoon baking powder 1 large egg yolk

In a mixer fitted with a dough hook, add the butter, flour, salt, sugar, and baking powder and mix on medium speed until the dough is the size of pebbles. In a separate bowl, mix together 3 tablespoons of ice water and the egg. Add the egg mixture to the dough and continue to mix until the dough just comes together. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate 2 hours or overnight.

Preheat the oven to 350˚F.

Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface to a ¼-inch thickness and press it into 6 individual 3½-inch tart molds. Bake until just golden brown, about 10 to 15 minutes. Remove the tart shells from the oven and set aside to cool.

For the filling: 6 tablespoons unsalted butter 2 large eggs ½ cup sugar 1 cup all-purpose flour Pinch of salt 1 vanilla bean, scraped ¼ cup hazelnuts, toasted and crushed

In a small saucepan over medium heat cook the butter until it begins to brown slightly. Remove the pan from the heat and set aside. In a bowl whisk the eggs and sugar together until light and pale. Add the flour, salt, and vanilla and mix until smooth. Slowly add the brown butter and then the hazelnuts.

For the pears:

2 pears, peeled, cored, and halved ½ cup sugar 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 1 cinnamon stick

In a small saucepan combine the pears with 1 cup of water, the sugar, lemon, and cinnamon and simmer on low heat for 10 to 15 minutes or until the pears are soft. Remove the pears from the pan and let them cool. Slice the cooled pears into ½-inch lengthwise pieces.

For the currants: ½ cup dried currants ½ cup red verjus ¼ cup sugar

In a small saucepan combine the currants with ½ cup water, the verjus, and sugar and cook over low heat until the mixture thickens to a syrup, about 10 to 15 minutes. Set aside.

Preheat the oven to 350˚F. Scoop the brown butter filling into each tart shell. Arrange the pear slices as desired, overlapping them slightly. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until set.

To serve: 2 tablespoons toasted hazelnuts, for serving ½ cup whipped cream, for serving

Place each tart on a plate, top with a spoonful of toasted hazelnuts, a dollop of whipped cream, and a drizzle of currant sauce.

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