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from the kitchen: Dried Fig Compote

It's fig season! Wondering what to do with all those figs from your tree? The best way to keep fig season lasting all year long is to dry whatever fresh figs you don't use. There are many ways to dry figs including using a dehydrator, drying them naturally using the sun, or drying them in the oven.

Once you have your dried figs, you can use some of them to make our Dried Fig Compote! Though this compote is a little different from the one in our figFOOD line, it's just as delicious. Dried Fig Compote is the perfect addition to a cheese & charcuterie platter, spread on top of a cheesecake, or even as a snack with fresh bread.

Ready to try your hand at our Dried Fig Compote? Here's the recipe:


makes 2 1/2 cups

  • 3 tablespoons minced shallots

  • 1/4 cup olive oil

  • 2 cups dried figs, quartered

  • 1/4 cup mustard seeds

  • 1/2 cup sugar

  • 1 cup fig balsamic vinegar (balsamic vinegar may be substituted)

  • 2 tablespoons whole-grain mustard

  • pepper


Saute the shallots in the olive oil in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat until translucent. Add the figs, mustard seeds, sugar, vinegar, mustard, and pepper. Reduce the heat and simmer until the figs are soft and the compote has thickened to the consistency of fruit preserves.

Wine Pairing

Sparkling Wine


Looking to get a jar of our Dried Fig Compote already made? Click here to order online!

Get more delicious fig-inspired recipes from our cookbook.

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