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cruising sonoma: 5 Fun Facts About Sonoma

We might be a little biased, but we think Sonoma is one of the best towns in the world! It's a great place to live and a wonderful community to be a part of. Here in Sonoma, we have some of the best food and wine experiences in the world. Plus, let's not forget about the 60,000+ acres of breathtaking vineyards, miles of rolling hills, perfect weather, and the jaw-dropping sunsets too.

Apart from all that though, how much do you really know about Sonoma? Today, we're exploring some of the most interesting and quirky fun facts about this little town we love so much.

1. The California wine industry officially began in the Sonoma Valley.

Sonoma is home to the two oldest wineries in California - Gundlach Bundschu (founded in 1858) and Buena Vista (founded in 1857).

2. The Sonoma Plaza is the largest town plaza in California.

It spans a total of 8 acres!

3. Sonoma County produces 6% of all the wine available from California.


4. Approximately 66 grape varietals are growing in Sonoma.

Pinot Noir is grown the most - there are approximately 13,000 acres of it in Sonoma.

5. Sonoma is home to the last Spanish Mission in California.

The 21st mission, Mission San Franaciso Solano was created in 1823.

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