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Sonoma Community Quilt Project

The Sonoma Community Center is putting together a community quilt, and they want you to be a part of this one-of-a-kind art piece!

Here's how it works: The Community Center will be sewing a quilt together from 12x12 squares submitted by members of the community. Anyone in the community is allowed to participate - individuals, families, schools, non-profits, local businesses, etc. Squares can be decorated in a number of ways including sewing, embroidering, stamping, painting, distressing, beading, drawing, or dyeing.

If you're interested, you can pick up a 12x12 fabric square from the Sonoma Community Center to decorate, or use your own 12x12 fabric square. There is a $5 submission fee for each square, and the deadline to submit your finished masterpiece is Wednesday, August 1st.

The Sonoma Community Center is located at 276 East Napa Street, and is open Monday through Friday from 10:00am - 4:00pm. Click here to visit their website for more information.

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