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from the bar: Frosé

It's the summer of rosé! And, there's nothing better on a hot Sonoma day than an ice cold frosé. We've got the perfect recipe for you to sip and enjoy this weekend!

Frosé (frozen rosé)

-1 bottle of the girl & the fig rosé, chilled

-2 cups Watmaugh strawberries, frozen

-Juice of 2 lemons

-1 cup of ice

Add the rosé, frozen strawberries, lemon juice, and ice into a blender. Blend until smooth. The consistency should be similar to a slushee. Pour into chilled glasses, kick back, and enjoy!

Our new 2017 the girl & the fig rosé is available now! Purchase a case online and receive 15% off for the month of June with code "YESWAYROSE".

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