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Wine Wednesday: Imagery Estate Winery, Viognier

"If life had a flavour, it would be wine."

-Julianna Glass


This Week: Imagery Estate Winery, Viognier

About Imagery Estate Winery:

1. Imagery Winery is dedicated to "crafting rare wines from uncommon varietals and character-rich vineyards." They strive to experiment with lesser known varietals and regions.

2. Jamie Beziger is the winemaker at Imagery Estate Winery.

3. Joe Benziner, Jamie's dad, is the founder of Imagery Estate Winery. Kelly and Jill, Jamie's sisters, have also been involved in the family winery at one time or another.

4. Imagery first began as a side project at Benziger. It later evolved into a collaboration between Joe Benziger and artist Bob Nugent in 1986. Fun Fact: Joe and Bob first met while breaking up a fight at a wine tasting.

5. The Benziger family sold both Benziger and Imagery Estate wineries in 2015. However, Joe Benziger and much of his family still remain an integral part of the wineries today.



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