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from the kitchen: Rosemary Skewered Figs

It's fig season! From now through September, you can enjoy the freshest, most perfect figs that nature has to offer.

At the girl & the fig, we rely on friends and neighbors to help keep us stocked on these beautiful, fresh figs. Large crates arrive at the back door, sometimes daily, of perfectly-ripe figs still warm from the sun. These go into our salads, jam & compote, our signature fig crisp, seasonal fruit and cheese plates, and countless other creations.

If you know someone with fresh figs to share, or if you're lucky enough to have a tree of your own, we've put together a series of simple and delicious fresh fig recipes for you to try.


Rosemary Skewered Figs

from the girl & the fig cookbook - grab your copy here!


  • 12 fresh figs

  • 12 3-inch long rosemary sprigs (another ingredient always in surplus in Sonoma!)

  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

  • salt & pepper​


Preheat oven to 350 F. (This could also be done on the grill!)

1. Skewer each whole fig on a rosemary sprig and drizzle with olive oil.

2. Season with salt and pepper.

3. Roast the figs for 10 minutes and serve.

We hope you enjoy the season's fresh figs! Be sure to check the blog for more fresh fig recipe inspirations throughout this year's fig season.

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