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Stonefruit Clafouti with Lemon Verbena Gelato

Photo credit: balise42 via VisualHunt /  CC BY-SA

Photo credit: balise42 via VisualHunt / CC BY-SA

Serves 8

Yield = 9” Circular Baking Pan / 1 Quart Gelato

For the Clafouti

7 oz flour

7 oz sugar

1 pinch of salt

20 oz milk

4½ oz melted butter

5 oz Armagnac, , (ok to substitute brandy)

8 eggs

14 oz stone fruit halved (apricots, peaches, nectarines, cherries ...)

For the Gelato:

1 cup lemon verbena leaves

1 cup milk

2 cups heavy cream

7 egg yolks

2/3 cup sugar

Pinch salt

For the Clafouti

Preheat oven to 350’F.

Sift together flour, sugar & salt. Place flour mixture in a large bowl, form a well and using a fork mix in milk, melted butter, Armagnac & eggs. Beat until smooth.

Place stone fruit face down in a greased cake pan and cover with milk - egg mixture.

Bake clafouti in the oven for 45 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.

Serve at room temperature.

For the Gelato

In a sauce pot warm lemon verbena leaves with milk & cream. Remove from heat and

let steep to desired flavor intensity. Whisk together eggs and sugar until light pale, add salt. Strain milk mixture and slowly work it in egg mixture. Place mixture in a thick bottomed sauce pan, and cook stirring continuously over medium flame until mixture reaches 175’ F. Immediately remove from heat and chill. Place in an ice cream maker and follow manufacturer instructions.

Photo credit: jules:stonesoup via Visual hunt / CC BY

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