happy fig-iversary!

We are so lucky to have such amazing employees, many of whom have been with us for several years.
It’s absolutely important to acknowledge everyone’s hard work from day to day, but we also love to acknowledge our employee’s anniversaries in celebration of the time they’ve spent to make the girl & the fig, the fig café and the girl & the fig CATERS! what they are today.

*Not Pictured: Sergio and Cecilia
Here are the employees who we are celebrating anniversaries with in June:
Sergio Dorantes, Dishwasher at the fig cafe, has been with us for 2 years.
Fernando Andrade, Server at the girl & the fig, has been with us for 6 years.
Margarita Fuentes, Cook at the girl & the fig, has been with us for 6 years.
Leo Gonzales, Cook at the girl & the fig, has been with us for 16 years.
Carlos Ortiz, Runner at the girl & the fig, has been with us for 7 years.
Cecilia Rios Rodriguez, Cook at the girl & the fig, has been with us for 2 years.
Thank you so much for your work over the years!