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Fig Martini Two Ways

A throwback for your Thursday!

Two of our favorite recipes from back in the early days of the girl & the fig (and originally printed in our first publication, the girl & the fig Cookbook).

First up, the girl & the fig Martini (sweet & fruity)

Serves 1

  • 1/4 cup fig-flavored Vodka

  • splash of Bonny Doon Framboise (your favorite Framboise can be substituted)

  • fresh mint sprig (for garnish)

Assemble ingredients (except mint) over ice, stir to combine, shake thoroughly (note: your martini is perfectly chilled when the glass is very cold to the touch), strain & serve!

Next, the fig & the girl Martini (tart and bitter)

Serves 1

  • 1/4 cup fig-flavored Vodka

  • splash of Compari

  • fresh mint sprig (for garnish)

Follow steps as listed above.


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